Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Parasite Free

Weight: 2 lb 11.4 oz

What does a parasite free, "perfect" kitten look like?

I am feeling much better and thank you to all who left nice comments when I was under the weather. THEY seem to be very excited about my bowel movements, so I guess that is a good sign though a little creepy that THEY get so worked up over my eliminations. Even though the vet called and said all tests came back negative, THEY are insisting on continuing the medication claiming the vet told them THEY had to finish the dosage. So twice a day I get to turn into Linda Blair. I really have to figure out how to tip the bottle over when she is filling the syringe.


the dragonfly said...

Glad you're feeling better, Dudley!!

amanda said...

Linda Blair, huh?

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